Phoenix 25日在火星登陸~ 29日伸出了"上帝之手"~~
原來... 要 send 這個 伸手 commend 到火星 ... 也要一天的時間呢 ...
something like ... "I am definitely believe in capitalism. What do you think about why I am working for the Communist? Because of the difference of the flag? Because of the border on the map? It's money!"要講的不是資本與共產 ... 要講的是... 國的定義原來可以很膚淺 ... 一根旗... 數條地圖上的線.
俾面派對人愈大, 愈多機會同人合作, 愈多機會有求於人...
曲:黃家駒 詞:黃貫中 編:
穿起一身金衣裝 取消今天的工作
擠身繽紛的色彩 來讓我去告訴你
不管相識不相識 儘管多 D Say Hello
不需諸多的挑剔 無謂太過有性格
你話唔俾面 他話唔賞面
種種方式的困綁 請柬一出怎抵擋
想出千般的推搪 明日富貴與閉翳
你都咪話唔俾面 咪話唔賞面
someone might say it's appropriate... because they're viewing from their angle. someone says it's definitely a failure... simply because they're viewing from another angle.
for me? i would say, it's somehow appropriate, but... there are better ways for the fight. The war take away lives, but not radicalism. Why does people become a terrorist? What is the reason behind? What is the first clause of radicalism? Can we tackle the problem from the first clause instead of commencing a battle as the resort?
take a look on this,28804,1720049_1720050_1722062,00.html and you would know why i do say so.