看一些事, 初頭的印象大多是不好的...
所以, 很多時便會因為第一個感覺所"蒙騙", 因而生了厭惡感, 失去一個緣份.
其實, 要真正去了解一些事, 不去花些工夫研究, 總不會找到些有趣之處.
情是何物 - 何炘基
今天, 貪婪的我, 得到了很多.
首先是 何校長 的 親筆贈書, 其次是 一餐 自助餐 及 一口白酒.
由中學開始, 到cciv , 大多數提到中國藝術的; 不是什麼什麼很難捉到的思想, 就是什麼什麼很久遠的歷史. 沒大趣!
今夜, 獲邀到 城大沙龍 ... 一睹 Richard Ho 同 Horace Ip 的演說風彩. 很有趣!
他們談的都是, 書畫.
不是談什麼思想什麼歷史, 他們在談科學.
什麼是線, 什麼是色, 什麼是力, 什麼是什麼... 解釋得淋漓盡致. 有意思!
終於感受到 applied science 的有趣之處 =D
- - -
線是光暗面間的 "幻覺"
色是四方八面的 "觸角"
力是潛在意識的 "感覺"
一切一切, 發自於心; 只靠模仿, 靠不得.
情是何物? 發自於心.
首先是 何校長 的 親筆贈書, 其次是 一餐 自助餐 及 一口白酒.
由中學開始, 到cciv , 大多數提到中國藝術的; 不是什麼什麼很難捉到的思想, 就是什麼什麼很久遠的歷史. 沒大趣!
今夜, 獲邀到 城大沙龍 ... 一睹 Richard Ho 同 Horace Ip 的演說風彩. 很有趣!
他們談的都是, 書畫.
不是談什麼思想什麼歷史, 他們在談科學.
什麼是線, 什麼是色, 什麼是力, 什麼是什麼... 解釋得淋漓盡致. 有意思!
終於感受到 applied science 的有趣之處 =D
- - -
線是光暗面間的 "幻覺"
色是四方八面的 "觸角"
力是潛在意識的 "感覺"
一切一切, 發自於心; 只靠模仿, 靠不得.
情是何物? 發自於心.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
some words from Steve... @ Stanford 2005
"I still love what I did..."
"Don't lose faith ... "
"The only things that kept me going is I love what I did"
"You've got to find what you love"
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do; if you havn't find it yet, keep looking and don't settle"
I'm sure, I'm still in love!
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living in someone else life"
"Don't lose faith ... "
"The only things that kept me going is I love what I did"
"You've got to find what you love"
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do; if you havn't find it yet, keep looking and don't settle"
I'm sure, I'm still in love!
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living in someone else life"
Monday, September 10, 2007
9月10日, 晴 . 無事
一年前要說的話, 我沒有說出來
一年後, 我終於有勇氣說了.
I promise, I will never ever betray myself.
"筆死筆還在" . . . 是死了便是死了, 不要騙自己.
一年後, 我終於有勇氣說了.
I promise, I will never ever betray myself.
"筆死筆還在" . . . 是死了便是死了, 不要騙自己.
what is research?
what is research??
am i going on the right track??
actually, i dunno what is it...
if i have a chance to go research, will i get it?
but... at least i know, i must fight for the chance first!
am i going on the right track??
actually, i dunno what is it...
if i have a chance to go research, will i get it?
but... at least i know, i must fight for the chance first!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
it's pretty cool!
i think, i already achieved a little part of my dream...
(dun ask my dream here, ask in person; of course, i won't tell everybody)
take a look at here ^^ http://stuk2007.blogspot.com/
at the beginning, some buddies leave message because someone ask them to do.
at last, some buddies leave message because they really want to do.
(dun ask my dream here, ask in person; of course, i won't tell everybody)
take a look at here ^^ http://stuk2007.blogspot.com/
at the beginning, some buddies leave message because someone ask them to do.
at last, some buddies leave message because they really want to do.
i figured out what i want to do this year..
last night, i talked to my dearest friend. i dunno why i speak about myself a lot. when i speak, i didn't hide myself.
at last, i figured out what i want to do in this year, and even for the rest of my life.
I, have a dream. I want to make my dream come true.
at last, i figured out what i want to do in this year, and even for the rest of my life.
I, have a dream. I want to make my dream come true.