Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 0? Or it's Day 1?

27/06 - 是歐洲團的Day0, 亦是結束Placement的 Day1. 那種脫離返工束縛的感覺十分強烈, 一早起身懶洋洋... 打機是也!

到中午, 拿著匯豐開倉手信返城大找人, 又是懶洋洋的, 連看新聞的意慾也沒有. 那時, 還擔心著夜晚出門會否下雨呢~

Sometimes, we need to thank God! 到了下午時分, 雨停了. 又回到家中小睡片刻. 一覺醒來, 享用六月最後的在家晚餐. 沖個涼, 向歐洲出發!!
誰知, 一上搏, 約30磅的重擔頓時令我馬失前蹄-.-"

28/06 身處南韓仁川機場... 晨早五時許, 實在眼訓... 他們兩都大覺睡了!

到了七時許... 冷醒了. 人流亦多了, 冷氣大了. 他們兩仍大覺睡... 要翻弄行裝, 搵衫給他們兩, 免得未到步, 先病了!!

啊~~~ 痛苦的機場客運站經歷呀!! 訓又訓唔好, 食又食唔好.. -.- 要等到成點鐘先上飛機....

上左飛機之後仲慘... 訓下醒下... 好似無訓一樣.
不過, 大韓都算勁... 十個鐘的旅程, 派左至少五次野食... 超飽...!!

落機時, 會合英國團友. 一出機場, 意見不合情況頓時發生-.- 哈哈, 不過事情好快解決... 要習慣一下呢~~

布拉格時間... 晚上十一點四十五分, 正在床上與昆蟲共枕眠^^

Thursday, June 26, 2008

iPhone costs $173 !? WT_ ...

無商不奸 ... 嘿嘿 ...
According to estimates by iSuppli Corp., Apple's new iPhone 3G will come with a bill of materials (BOM) and manufacturing cost of $173, nearly one-fourth less than the $226 the company spent on the first-generation 8GB iPhone, which debuted almost a year ago.


The most expensive component on iSuppli's speculative price list was the 8GB of flash memory, which it tagged at $22.80. The touch screen and display each cost $20, while the 3G chip is $15, said the company.


At the time, Carl Howe, an analyst at Yankee Group Research Inc., used Portelligent's $100 estimate to question whether Apple required carrier subsidies to make money on the iPhone 3G. "If AT&T is adding in a $200 subsidy, then the iPhone 3G is anything but a phone requiring a carrier subsidy," Howe said. "In fact, if these numbers are true and the carriers are subsidizing the phone, the iPhone 3G could end up being the most profitable product Apple makes."


It's imperative that Apple make money on the hardware, Rebello added, since the company will not be sharing in 3G subscriber revenues. "Hardware is vital to Apple profits, valuation and revenue," he said. "Two-thirds of Apple's revenue from the iPod still is derived from hardware, while only one-third is from the iTunes service and accessories. The second-generation iPhone is no exception."

Like Howe of the Yankee Group, iSuppli thinks the iPhone 3G may be an unusually-profitable product for Apple. Earlier iPod and iPhone tear-downs have put Apple's profit margin at around 50% more than the BOM and manufacturing costs. With a $300 subsidy, however, the margin would be nearly 65%. Even with a $200-per-iPhone subsidy, Apple's estimated margin would be around 57%.

究竟... 今次邊個最搵錢呢.... Apple 定係 Carrier? 強烈建議 增持 NASDAQ:AAPL -.-"

Pixar @ Facebook!!!


這就是 Facebook 的威力 ... 連電影都在Facebook 登廣告 !!

WALL-E ... 24/7 香港上畫 =] 一番香港就有得睇 ~~~ Good~~~ 又要花幾廿蚊去睇下 Pixar o既威力

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


還記得對上一次八號風球, 小弟還在start-up公司...

當時, 同事們都開著收音機、天文台website.. 等著掛上八號風球... 當正式宣佈的時候, 我還繼續我的工作...直至夜媽媽肚餓才回家.

這一次, 一早睡至日上三竿... 懶洋洋的在家消磨....

究竟, 是人大了便懶散, 還是入了大公司便懶散?

昨晚又跟前輩交談 MPhil 生活... 我真的愈來愈怕, 怕自己應付不來 ...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I got Cert ?? What a World Record !!

haha ~~ i got a cert today.

Today, it's the Firefox Download Day!! I call it ... FF3 D-Day .... perhaps you might find D-Day familiar in WWII =] They are all in June ~~~ which's the month for my birthday ... XD
June is great! Firefox is great!

Download Day 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


小弟剛剛無聊無野做... 就諗住去積下陰德啦~~ 蛇左去捐血 =]

第一次捐血... 都少少緊張啦... d 冷氣又凍喎 ... 個人都有少少震 -。- (但果到寫住 Temp: 25.6度 ... 無言)

第一次俾人篤手指 ... 篤果野一d都唔痛 ... 之後 ... 篤完過左冇耐就開始痛痛 ... 依家都仲係 赤赤痛 -.-"

之後 量血壓 ~~ 100/65 ... 唔知係唔係正常呢 ~.~" lol

接住就係俾人拎支野 , 一野隊落條靜脈果到 ... 睇住d血 把把聲 咁流出黎 ... 哈哈 ... but ... 又係一d都唔痛...

訓左一陣間 .. 就俾人蚊走支野 ... 呢野係最痛 .... !!!!!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

i believe i can fly ~~


曲:陳輝陽 詞:張美賢 編:陳輝陽

* 記不起 甚麼驅使我喜歡你
看在眼裡 看你熟睡多麼美
圍著這裡 柔和天氣
我願隨風 無聲遠飛
仍相擁 也不等於我了解你
決定放棄 再去接受自已
曾做錯了 仍然不生氣
臉上還有希冀 *

# 若是我記得你 亦是無須緊記
習慣一個人 沒有傷悲
若是我要等你 亦是無須等你
縱愛理不理 縱隔千里
誰預知將來 或再一起 再戀上你 #

Repeat * # #

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


寫了接近一年Blog ... 都未試過認真的以公司員工身份去寫...

當我看了 這 guideline ...
才知道寫 Blog 是很難的呢~~

Monday, June 02, 2008

Exception !!!!

Unexpected EXCEPTION!!! 都唔知係咩人黎-.-
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