Sunday, June 21, 2009

my gsoc2009 @ June 21

It's a GDay =] Several bugs are KIA... AND, only several miles away from the destination =]

main.js is now 18xx lines (which is 23% of the original main.js)

There are totally 22 ui-components that builds up the doc-editor ui while there are 8 ui-task wrappers work for the user.

if you read my previous report back to 2 weeks ago, i have refactored and tested 4xxx lines js in this two weeks :p indeed ... these 4xxx lines are 70-80% alike but different context in use.

anyway ... if you read my proposed timeline .... i'm still behind schedule :p even so ... the proposed one is actually different from the acting one :p Thus! this week ... i will use the time for "merging and testing" to refactor and test out the rest of main.js.

可以做的, 都做完了

曾經有一位小朋友問我... 讀大學跟讀中學有什麼分別??

當時我不懂怎樣回答. 因為.. 我的大學生涯實在有點乏味!

現在... 作個總結吧.

* 為金錢打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚...
* 曾參與 career center 的一些活動... 為將來的金錢打拚... 打拚... 打拚...
* 曾以打拚的金錢, 在summer 時參加了日本與台灣遊學 (好像是工作人士一樣呢... 搵完錢, 放下大假)
* tour 完之後... summer job 為金錢打拚... 打拚...
* 為金錢打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚...
* 因遊學認識了些師兄, 從而神推鬼使的參與了faculty支持的"自主研發"項目...
* 曾為項目負出時間, 因不知怎的原因... 項目步入爛尾之路.... orz
* 曾以打拚的金錢, 在summer 時參加了英國遊學 (又放下大假)
* 踏入placement年...
* 在大笨象公司實習.....為金錢打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚... 打拚...
* 在"空餘"時間, 完成了"接近爛尾"項目... BUT, 到最後都是一個爛尾的經驗 (因為項目早以失去其意義)
* 受聘於外資科技公司, "推動校園開源文化"?? (終於有一點點的味道了)
* summer .... 與同學歐遊 =] (又放假)
* 開始不再把"為金錢打拚"放到第一位 ... 因為好累 =.="
* 盡心為畢業設計努力.. (終於明白到..成果是怎樣並不太重要... 重要的是過程是怎樣)
* 繼續"推動校園開源文化" ... (黎緊919見 =])
* 與業內社區組織打交道, oaka.. agilehk.. barcamp.. fxair.. olpc.. 等等
* 參與了很多開源/義務/技術發展工作與活動. 認識了很多很多很多的朋友. (是我最開心的其中一件事吧)
* 有幸參與 Google Summer of Code. 參與php internal util 開發(完了!?)
* 參與 acm-hk-contest, 終於可以為"電腦科學系學生"這字眼添上一些色彩.
* 還有.. 認識了她 (是我最開心的另一件事)

在寫之前... 我都不知道自己在大學做了什麼... 寫了之後...才發現.. 原來大學跟中學最不同的地方... 就是自由.

我在大學"可以做的, 都做完了。" 你在大學做了些什麼? 可以跟我分享一下嗎 ^^?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

my gsoc2009 @ June 11

As doc-editor has many sub-components open a code-mirror editor.. i'm trying to make the editor becomes a reusable ui component.

Today ... i'm working on that and trying to allows two editor to synchronize their scroll bar...

BUT... problemsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :)

Let's consider this!
Editor-A scroll for 40px from top
Editor-A's scroll listener catch the event and ask Editor-B to scroll to 40px from top
Editor-B scroll for 40px from top
Editor-B's scroll listener catch the event and ask Editor-A to scroll to 40px from top
Editor-A scroll for 40px from top
who scroll NEXT?

in Chrome ... the logic seems working.... but in Firefox ... the logic breaks.

To handle this.... I added a "scroll-lock" to the editors :] (just a conventional solution to handle synchronization problem)

New logic follows....

Editor-A scroll for 40px from top
Editor-A listener gains lock as Editor-B is not scrolling
Editor-B scroll for 40px from top asked by Editor-A listener
Editor-B listener cannot gain lock as Editor-A gained
Editor-B listener gives up asking Editor-A to scroll and force Editor-A to release the lock

So... scrolling won't be propagated
if Editor-A/Editor-B scroll again, lock can be gained and logic applies

Sync is FUNNY XD

Friday, June 05, 2009

My Firefox3 was HACKED!! Did yours?

:( very very unhappy ... my firefox was hacked by m$ /___\

damn m$.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

A joke?? Google Squared

Google Squared ... a new comers to goog-lab ...

Actually ... it's a lie :p

I see no square in google squared but rectanglesssssssss
If squared means google x google (google ^ 2) ... then this means squared amount of queries which is inbelieveable

So ... I bet ... the name squared is a lie~~~~~

Anyway ... good fight to Wolfram Alpha as Squared is already in beta as initial XDDDDDDDDDDDD

waiting for Google Cube @.@v~

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Google is Different!!!

Take a look of Google in FF3 vs IE7 by

Google is asking you to download Chrome in IE7 ^^ (but not in FF)

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