Wednesday, October 01, 2008


這篇東東, 應該是要上北京之前寫的...


或許, 這是天意吧 ... (又一個藉口 ^^")
在北京回香港的途中... 看了 Fortune Sept. 1st 的一篇文章 "Get a Life!" by Paul Keegan, 讓我更清楚下一步怎樣做. (上天總會有一些安排吧.. 我相信這就是緣)

今次寫的.. 直接與自己有關, 可以算是一個給自己的 review 吧.

自從開始了在某大銀行實習後... 發現自己的生活習慣改變了...
整個人的感覺懶散了, 做事總是沒有效率... 很容易分心....

到了從歐洲回來, 情況更壞... 有一次... 在家呆了一整天...

我是個喜歡找原因的人... 那到達是什麼原因把我變得懶散?


是因為我忘記了.... 把 stephen convey 的 七個好習慣都忘了...

是我在寫 fyp report 的時候... 想到用 stephen convey 的 書本 "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" 作例子...才發現自己把習慣忘記了.

- be proactive ... 自己一直在身不由己... 不行!
- begin with the end in mind ... 給自己的目標... 有... 可是不清析吧...
- put first thing first ... 時間... 管得不好... 要改!
- think win-win ... 也許這個暫時用不著 ^^"
- seek first to understand and then to be understood ... 還是覺得自己放不下自己... 很多時候... 聽不入耳
- synergize ... 常常一個人做事... 笨了一點, 對不對?
- sharpen the saw ... 要開始給自己改一改了!

那麼, Fortune 的文章 說什麼呢...?
就是一位記者, 一併上了三位大師的課堂, 作了一個比較、一個分析.
那些管用...都寫下來了~~~ 跟著學就行 =]

- Stephen Covey - "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" written in 1989
- David Allen - "Getting Things Done" written in 2001
- Jim Loehr - "The Power of Full Engagement" in 2003, co-authoring with Tony Schwartz

依據 Keegan 的描述:

* Stephen Covey 的 Key Concept - Create a vision, set goals, ten plan weekly and daily.
* David Allen 的 Key Concept - Think small: Get the details under control.
* Jim Loehr 的 Key Concept - Think energy, not time.

Stephen Covey 的培訓 重點在 建立一個目標金字塔.

"Identify values" is at the base, followed by three steps leading heavenward: Set goals, plan weekly, and plan daily. When we reach the top of the pyramid (which is the ultimate goal), we are living out our life's purpose.

Keegan 對 Stephen Covey 的培訓有以下總結:

FranklinCovey, I realize, is great at helping figure out what to do but not how to do it. That's by design. "My experience", says Covey, "is that it's very dangerous to teach practices rather than principles because every culture is so different. Instead, we encourage people to come up with their own practices consistent with the universal principles we teach." For me, that wasn't enough.

對... 理論上來說, stephen 是無懈可擊. 但做法的的確確要自己領悟. 還記得曾經有人跟我說: "我教了你這套內功心法, 至於外功修為, 自己去闖一闖吧"

到了 David Allen 的培訓重點吧.

What is your purpose in life? What are your long-term goals? But those questions come at the end. First Allen tells you what to do with all junk on your desk.

我鍵盤的前面... 就是一大堆沒空收拾的 JUNK !!! =.=

Allen uses an airplane metaphor. Your working space is the runway, and you can't take off to reach "higher altitude" (i.e., longer-term) perspectives on your life until that space is clear and you have a dependable workflow system. "Process improvement - that's really all this is," Allen tells his audience.
Most important, I have learned Allen's five-step system to keep my runway clear: Collect, process, organize, review, and do.
What I'm learning, Allen says, is a process psychologists call "distributed cognition" - getting all my nagging tasks, grand ideas, and unresolved projects out of my head and into his "trusted system." This will free my mind to think, dream, and focus on a single task rather than worrying about everything not getting done. "Your mind is for having ideas," Allen likes to say, "not for holding them."

第一步: Collect
當有新信息的時候, 先收集
第二步: Process
看一看信息. 如果需要行動, 看看它能不能很快解決. 如果可以, 先把它解決. 如果不可, 把它放到 To-do list 並把它分類. For example: @office, @calls, @home.
第三步: Organize
在不同的地方, review 不同的 To-do list
第四步: Review
按不同的 factor, 比如是 urgency, importance 把 to-do list 掛序, 並決定先要解決什麼東東
第五步: Do

這是一個很好的系統! 當配合上 stephen 的 理論, 妙上加妙!

最後, 是 Jim Loehr 的培訓重點.

"You have never connected your body and your health with the mission of your company", Leohr admonishes us. The chief executives stares at the floor.

It doesn't matter how well you manager your time, Loehr argues, if you don't have enough energy to become fully engaged in what you're doing. That energy comes from doing everything we know we should do but don't: get enough sleep, exercise, eat right, take breaks, and keep a healthy balance between work and family.

很簡單, 也是很難...
充足睡眠, 適當地進食, 恆常運動, 每兩小時工作便鬆弛一下

是不是 很簡單也很難...? =]

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